
If this is your first time here, click the Register button below to create an account.


If you do not have an email address and/or you are experiencing problems resetting your password please contact HABC.

If you are a Public Housing applicant, you may contact the Admissions Department Monday – Wednesday and Friday between 8:45 am – 4:00 pm via telephone (410) 396-3225 and via email: habc.hao@habc.org.

If you are a HCVP (Housing Choice Voucher Program) applicant/participant, you may contact the Customer Relations Department Monday – Friday between 8:45 am – 4:00 pm via telephone (443) 984-2222 and via email: hcvp.info@habc.org.

First time users must register for the Applicant Portal.  Click here for instructions on how to register and how to use the Applicant Portal.

Applicant Survey

If you are an existing applicant please take a moment to complete this survey.

To access survey please click here.

Resident Survey

If you are an existing resident please take a moment to complete this survey.

To access survey please click here.